Founded by Benigno Barbadillo in 1821 Barbadillo are the most important producers of Manzanilla. With 16 ageing cellars full of soleras they make excellent examples of the full range of Sherry styles. This delicious Palo Cortado comes from the younger part (Criadera) of the solera in the small 18th century La Sacristia Cellar and bottled unfiltered (En Rama).
Palo Cortado is one of the rarest Sherries starting life as a Fino or here as a Manzanilla aged unoxidized under the Flor, a blanket of yeast that floats on the surface blocking the air getting to the wine. In Palo Cortado the flor dies, and the wine is exposed to oxidation becoming a dark golden colour, rich and nutty, with the freshness of a Fino but the richness of an Oloroso.